Bitcoin Flipping Made Easy!

Gainful Liquidation with Instant Payouts

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Bitcoin to PayPal
Convert Bitcoin to PayPal

How it works?

With our in-house team of crypto traders, we rotate a constant pool of Bitcoin in exchange of other cryptocurrencies. Benefitting from the delay in between the price fluctuations accross various currencies, we have achieved a whopping 30-40% of liquidation margin over the last year. By flipping your bitcoin with us, you help us make our trades faster in return of a profit share.

  • Instant PayPal Payouts
  • Guaranteed 15-20% Markup
  • The fee is on us! 😉
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BTC Market Rate


Current Markup


Current Flip Rate


Why choose us over the usual exchange platforms? Let our happy users do the talking 😁

Frequently Asked Questions

  • How much profit can I make per flip?

    We guarantee a 15-20% markup on the market rate locked in at the moment when you initiate the flip.

  • We currently only provide Automated Payouts via PayPal. We will soon be including Wire Transfers to our payout methods with the introduction of our BittyFlip Wallet.

  • The automated payouts are processed instantly as soon as 3 confirmations are received on the bitcoin transaction.

  • The time it takes to receive 3 confirmations depends on the blockchain network. Please check the flip status on your accounts page to check the number of confirmations received on your transaction. If the transaction is confirmed, please check your inbox corresponding to your PayPal account as in some cases you will need to "Accept" the incoming transfer to your account. This generally happens when your PayPal account has not received any payment till date.

  • We set a minimum limit of $50.00 worth of BTC per flip so as to keep the blockchain & PayPal fee to a minimum while the maximum limit is set at $2,500.00 worth of BTC per flip. Once our daily reserve runs out, you will not be able to do any more flips and will have to wait until we fill back our reserves.


Got any questions? Feel free to write to us and we will be happy to assist you.
If you have any questions regarding your transaction, please use the Helpdesk Live Chat instead for quick resolution.

Thank you for reaching out! We will get back to you shortly.